Welcome to SIGCHI NZ
Initiated to serve the needs of academics, professionals, and students involved/interested in design, evaluation, implementation, and study of interactive computing systems for human use.
CHINZ2023 Workshop
SIGCHI_NZ will be hosting our SIGCHI NZ 2023 Annual General Meeting over Zoom at 11:00am on Thursday, December 14th 2023.
CHINZ2021 Workshop
SIGCHI_NZ will be hosting our 2021 Workshop over Zoom on Thursday, December 9th 2021. The workshop will include lightening talks, birds-of-a-feather sessions and our AGM. The conference is free to attend online.
Last Conference
- CHINZ 2015: 15th Annual Conference of SIGCHI_NZ on Computer-Human Interaction
3-4 September 2015
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Membership of ACM or SIGCHI, though obviously advantageous, is not required to join the New Zealand chapter!
If you attend a conference, the registration fee includes SIGCHI_NZ membership for that year.
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- ACM’s newly re-launched flagship publication “Communications of the ACM”
- Discounts on ACM SIG conference registration
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- Full access to ACM’s robust Career & Job Center
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- The ACM Guide to Computing Literature with over one million bibliographic citations
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- A free “acm.org” email forwarding address with high-quality Postini spam filtering
All this and much more by joining at: http://www.acm.org/joinacm10.