Member Profiles

SIGCHI NZ is a group comprised of people from all across the country with a wide variety of complementary interests.

Nadia Pantidi

Dr Nadia Pantidi is a senior lecturer in the School of Design Innovation at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington.

Judy Bowen

Dr Judy Bowen is a senior lecturer and Associate Dean Academic in the Computer Science Department at the University of Waikato. Her research interests are in software engineering and model-driven design for interactive systems. Her current research is focussed on IoT solutions, in particular the ethical use of personal data and the impact of smart environments on their inhabitants. She is currently leading an MBIE smart-ideas funded project on the use of wearable technology in hazardous work environments.

Dana Fridman

Dana Fridman is a researcher and programme director for the Master of User Experience (UX) Design at the School of Design, Victoria University of Wellington, a co-organiser of the Wellington UX meetup, and an associate investigator at MedTech Centre of Research Excellence. With a background in psychology and digital product design and development, her research focus involves interaction design and user experience for health and education.

Stuart Marshall

Stuart Marshall is a senior lecturer at the School of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington. Stuart’s main research area is information visualisation, and has previously researched in the fields of agile software development and software reuse. Stuart is currently the Associate Dean of Academic Development for the Faculty of Engineering at VUW.

Danielle Lottridge

Danielle Lottridge is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Her research areas are in human computer interaction and human factors engineering, with interests in multitasking, social computing and the design of health technologies. Before starting at the University of Auckland, Danielle was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. She obtained a PhD in Human Factors Engineering from University of Toronto.

Annika Hinze

Annika Hinze is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Waikato. She heads the research glab for Databases and Information Systems (ISDB). Her research interests include complex event processing in IoT environments, semantic text analysis in digital libraries, and mobile location-based systems. She is currently involved in participatory design projects for location-based apps and in the MBIE-funded Hakituri project on smart environments for personal monitoring.

Robert Wellington

Robert Wellington is a social anthropologist teaching on the Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences (BCIS), and the related Masters programme, at AUT for the past 20 years. His research has centred around the human side of HCI, and has focussed on both the theoretical foundations of human – artefact interaction, and on the processes of usability testing. He has taught the BCIS HCI paper in Hangzhou (China) on three occasions. He has also delivered the post grad research methods papers and spent time on the University ethics committee.

Nicholas Vanderschantz

Nicholas (Nic) Vanderschantz is a senior lecturer in the Computer Science Department at the University of Waikato. Nicholas’ teaching and research approach information search and HCI from a visual and user experience perspective. Nic works with students in both Design & Computer Science at undergraduate and postgraduate levels investigating user-centred design solutions for the presentation and visualisation of information in a range of contexts, with a recent focus on mobile and on the go situations.

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